
By Talon McKee

tomatillosIf you are looking to spice things up in your kitchen look at purchasing tomatillos from your local grocery market. Tomatillo means “little tomato” and belongs to the same family as the common red tomato. These small little fruits are comparable to an average plum size but are bursting at the seams with flavor. They are available all year long and offer a sweet and spicy blend to your dishes.

The tomatillos are green in color and have an outer husk that gives them s paper lampshade look. This husk is easily removed revealing a gelatinous texture that offers excellent cooking opportunities. Most people are familiar with the use of these small tomatoes in salsas and sauces, most cannot deny the deliciousness of the tomatillos dressing at Café Rio. Consider using them raw in salads, sandwiches or dressings, its sharp acidic taste will draw tomato lovers attention.

The fruit offers great nutritional value and is a great addition to many Mexican meals or salad/sandwich ideas. Consider picking up a few of these fun fruits next time you see them, you won’t be disappointed.

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