Belgian Endive

By Talon McKee

untitled (3)      New veggies to use in the kitchen are always a must to keep your guests wanting more. The Belgian endive is a great choice to incorporate into many dishes. This odd torpedo shaped vegetable is about 6 inches in length and come in yellow, green and red colors. The coloring its self does not signify any difference in taste, in fact all the varying colors are genetically the same.

It is up to the kitchen chef to choose what color works best with the dish. Endives are great when served cooked or steamed with other vegetables and seasoning. There isn’t much that has to be done to unlock the potential of these taste veggies.

Consider purchasing a Belgian Endive with the color of your choice for the next time you have guests over.  Wow them with the rich taste endives have to offer that will accent your dishes perfectly. For a list of potential recipes visit

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